This was the Video Forum for Nonviolence in A Coruña

Last Friday, October 25, the Monty4 gallery hosted the Video Forum for Nonviolence organized by Poten100mos.

This activity is part of the programming of the 3rd World March for Peace and Nonviolence in the city of A Coruña. Six short films on social themes were shown, dealing with issues as diverse as gender-based violence, institutional violence, the situation of prostitution, ultra-violence…

The Monty4 art gallery was a packed house for this event, which ended with a discussion on how violence manifests itself today and what ways we have to combat it. More information was also provided on the 3rd World March, which will continue its journey around the world until January 5, when it will return to Costa Rica, after having promoted thousands of actions like this one in search of making visible the fight against all types of violence and the defense of human rights.

Short films from the Video Forum for Nonviolence

Title: The 1907 – Direction: David Rodríguez Suárez – Country: Spain – Theme: Ultra violence.

Title: The weight of a feather – Direction: Marianela Valdat – Country: Argentina – Theme: Gender-based violence.

Title: Write my name – Direction: Aniez – Country: Spain – Theme: Violence against the civilian population.

Title: Celui qui devint méchant alors qu'au départ il était gentil (He who became evil when he was kind) – Director: Jauffrey Galle – Country: France – Theme: Institutional violence.

Title: My corner, my trench – Direction: Guinduri Arroyo Martínez – Country: Spain – Theme: Prostitution.

Title: Lion dreams – Direction: Jordi López Navarro – Country: Spain – Theme: Violence of life.

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