The Tragicomedy of Mihaileanu, which under the triple standard of Yiddish humor, a healthy narrative energy and a rhythm of exciting joy, leads the spectator of the fable to the reality of the extermination perpetrated by the Nazi regime in Eastern Europe.
Before an audience of young students from Fiumicello High School, Mayor Laura Sgubin spoke, who touched on several issues, underlining the importance of not being dragged into xenophobia, anti-Semitism, hatred!
"The order of the day - indicated by the Mayor - is NOT TO FORGET but also NOT TO BE INDIFFERENT."
The passage of the World March for Peace and Non-Violence scheduled for 27.02.2020 was recalled, again to share these values.
Bruno Lasca introduced the film, presenting some characteristic elements of Jewish culture, useful for students to better understand certain moments in the story told.
After the screening, some students presented the study trip to Berlin of the three classes of the 1st grade High School in Fiumicello, reporting testimonials, photos and videos.