Se anuncia la 3ª Marcha Mundial

The 3rd World March is announced

During the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the Week for Nonviolencein Mar del Plata, promoted by Osvaldo Bocero and Karina Freira, where activists from more than 20 countries in America, Europe and Africa participated virtually.. There, Rafael de la Rubia announced from Madrid that the 3rd World March (WM) for Peace and Non-Violence will take place in 2024. The Forum for Nonviolence began with a small

La Marcha Mundial también en Eslovenia

World March takes root in Slovenia

The 2nd edition of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence will start on October 2 this year. As in the first edition, the March will pass through the Alpe Adria region and will arrive in Trieste on 26 February 2020, opening the campaign for an international Gulf of Peace and free from nuclear weapons,