Calendar of Events

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M Mar

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3 events,


La Terra and tutti's house, Fiumicello Villa Vicentina

2 events,

3 events,

Tribute to Mahatma Gandhi

1 event,

3 events,

3 events,

2 events,

3 events,


The Hour of History, Fiumicello

3 events,


Music and words of Paz, Vicenza

1 event,

0 events,

0 events,

0 events,

0 events,

2 events,


Feast of Valentine's Day, Fiumicelo Villa Vicentina, February 13

2 events,


Base Team at ICAN Forum in Paris

3 events,


The 2nd World March at the Alpe Adria


Feast of Valentine's Day, Fiumicelo Villa Vicentina, February 15


Documentary about Nuclear Weapons

2 events,

1 event,


Immigration and Shelter

1 event,


Mental Health in a Black Mirror World

1 event,


Forgotten Women in Science

2 events,


Activities in Prague, Czech Republic


Institutional Violence

1 event,


Gender Violence

3 events,


The Base Team arrives in Paris


Conflict resolution through empathy

3 events,

1 event,

2 events,


Activities in Bordeaux

1 event,

5 events,

3 events,

3 events,


The World March arrives in Rome

4 events,

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