Nonviolence Forum February 2020 A Coruña

DAYS: 15-17-18-19-20-21-22 de Febrero 2020

This Saturday, February 15, we begin the first “Coruña Pole Peace and Nonviolence Forum”, within the framework of the 2nd World March for Peace and Nonviolence. In this first Forum we will discuss for seven days different themes that the participating organizations considered of interest.

Saturday, February 15 / 18:30 p.m. in the UGT building, Av Fernández Latorre 27

The beginning of the end of nuclear weapons

We begin with the screening of the documentary "The beginning of the end of nuclear weapons", which, beyond the disaster produced by an atomic bomb, reflects the role that civil society can play to achieve the end of nuclear weapons. Screened in various cities around the world, it received two special mentions at the Global Shorts International Festival.

We will have the presence of Alvaro Orus, its director, who will share with us his experience in the colloquium that will take place after the screening.

Monday, February 17/19 p.m. at the UGT building, Av Fernández Latorre 27

Immigration and shelter.

They will intervene:

  • Xosé Abad -of Acampa- and Rubén Sánchez -of the Galician Immigration Forum-, will discuss the issue of violence against foreigners, both in the case of refugees and migrants.

Tuesday, February 18/19 p.m. at the Casares Quiroga House Museum, C / Panaderas 12

Mental health in a Black Mirror world

Miguel Otero, Social Integrator, therapeutic companion, community promoter, “clown” student, activist and schizophrenic in the reserve… will talk about mental health in our society.

Wednesday, February 19 / 19:30 p.m. at the MUNCYT, National Museum of Science Square 1

Mulleres forgotten in science

They will intervene:

  • Amelia Verdejo. Doctor in Mathematics. Former professor of the UDV. Retired
  • Ana M. Belts. Doctor in Biology. Institutional Relations Coordinator of the MUNCYT of A Coruña.

Organized by "Galicia Aberta" and MUNCYT, and the 2nd World March for Peace and Nonviolence collaborates

Thursday, February 20/18 pm at the Casa Casa Quiroga Museum, C / Panaderas 12

Institutional Violence

They will intervene:

  • Antonio Vázquez López. Lawyer. How it affects institutional violence to the civilian population and how to reverse it legislatively. Humanization of administrative and military law.
  • Maite Bustamante. A lawyer. President of the Amiga Association. How it affects migrants.
  • Ana Rodríguez Piorno. Judge. Gender Violence The victim and the social commitment.

Friday, February 21/19 p.m. at the Casa Casa Quiroga Museum, C / Panaderas 12

Gender Violence

Multidisciplinary approach to gender violence.

They will intervene:

  • Hidden figures and sexist violence, by Claudia Bartolomé. Journalist.
  • Other faces of gender violence, by Ana Pousada. Social educator and sociologist.
  • Resources and healthy actions to prevent and eradicate violence, by María José Llado Sánchez. Psychologist and Psychopedagogue.
  • The before and after a criminal procedure, Ana Saavedra. Founder Mirabal Association (Association of Victims of Gender and Child Defense).

Saturday, February 22/12 noon in the UGT building, Av Fernández Latorre 27

Mediation and conflict resolution workshop through empathy

Taught by Luis Bodoque. Civil, Commercial and Family Mediator. Activist.

In this workshop we will work to understand how different interpersonal conflicts are linked to global violence and vice versa. It provides an opportunity to discover nonviolent methods of conflict resolution.

It introduces some tools for reflection and change that have proven effective in any part of the planet where they were launched.


Adhered participants

World Without Wars CORUÑA invites citizens to actively participate in the 2nd World March for Peace and Nonviolence

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Cheer up and join this initiative!