The March of Interest in Lomas de Zamora

The 2ª Macha Mundial has been declared of Municipal Interest in Lomas de Zamora, Argentina.

Declaration of Municipal Interest in the Honorable Deliberative Council of Lomas de Zamora, of the “2ª World March for Peace and Non-Violence” which began on October 2, 2019 “International Day of Non-Violence” and ends in Madrid on March 8, 2020 “International Women's Day”.

The same participate neighbors of Lomas de zamora.

The presentation was made before the body of legislators and numerous political and social groups, trainers in the Non-Violence methodology, friends and friends of The Message of Silo and Humanist groups.

The March will recognize Mothers and Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo as referents of the Nonviolent struggle

During the treatment of the project we were joined by members of the organization and made use of the word Rubén Isnain, who explained what the initiative is about and thanked the body for the recognition.

It should be noted that in our country the organizers of the march will recognize Mothers and Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo as referents of the Nonviolent struggle.

And that in the province of Jujuy a small act is planned for the delivery of the book of the South American March to Milagro Sala, a social reference that is one of the political dams we have in our country.

We congratulate and accompany this type of initiatives that seek to sensitize the entire population about the need to end all types of violence and build good living on our planet.

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