In the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem there is an oil lamp that has been lit for many centuries, fueled by oil donated in turn by all the Christian nations of the Earth.
In December of each year, more of that flame is lit and spread throughout the planet as a symbol of peace and brotherhood among the peoples.
And on December 20, 2019, it was at the “Ugo Pellis” Secondary School of Fiumicello Villa Vicentina where this flame arrived, brought by the scouts: in front of all the students, the Lamp of Peace was lit, which the school received at the National Meeting of Schools for Peace in 2016, dedicated to Giulio Regeni after his barbaric murder.
On this occasion, good wishes were exchanged with the Mayor and Deputy Mayor of the Youth Government and students were invited to reflect on the importance of Peace, Non-Violence and respect for differences, adopting virtuous behaviors even in Your little everyday actions.
After the ceremony, all the students gathered in the Bison Theater Room for the performance of “Christmas in the world”, presented by the students of the first classes; Later, the musical rehearsal and songs from all classes concluded the event.
The singing of “It's time…” was particularly significant. (Hymn of the National March for Peace), whose first verse was composed by the students themselves on the occasion of the National March for Peace in Assisi in 2018.
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