Macroconsultation during the 3rd World March

For 90%, the first priorities of human beings as a species would be to end hunger and wars

By Carlos Rossique

In the 2nd half of this year, starting July 1 and in parallel to the 3rd World March for Peace and Nonviolence, we are going to launch a GLOBAL MACROCONSULTATION about the future that is wanted for the world in terms of international relations.

Nowadays there is a lot of talk about democratic regeneration, but it is still much more than a euphemism, because since the parties that are succeeding each other in power, new modes of participation have not been put in place so that the will of the people is reflected in a more continuous and real way in the decisions of governments, leaving formal representative democracy in an archaic and anachronistic state; practically the same as it was in the 19th century, and which is in clear discordance with the possibilities that information and communication technologies offer us today.

There is also talk of other uses of these technologies, such as AI (Artificial Intelligence) and that this, to prevent it from being dangerous, should be aligned with the values ​​and objectives of human beings. This brings us to an interesting crossroads that advises us to define precisely what these objectives and values ​​of human beings are at a global level.

Well, if we talk about general will, we are sure that 90% of the world population would agree that the first priorities of human beings as a species would be to end hunger and wars, which requires mechanisms for capturing and aggregating said general will. And if the political will of the governments does not coincide with those priorities and mandates of the people, mostly peaceful, something must be rethought about those global structures such as the United Nations – practically useless and disappeared in the last war conflicts – that advise its refoundation.

Without this expression of the largely peaceful and non-violent will of the people, without this organizational aggregation of those wills and priorities, we run the certain risk of self-destruction, misery and generalized impoverishment, if not of ecological degradation that closes the future of generations. to come. Perhaps we should begin to denounce violence as a disease and call those who cause wars and enrich themselves from them pathologically ill.

How to participate in this macro consultation?
The survey can be found at and is made up of 16 questions, most of which only require expressing the degree of agreement with a sentence. Finally, the language in which the survey was answered, the date of birth of the respondent and their nationality are collected. When you take the survey, it helps to enable the option to allow geolocation to be able to offer global geographic data.

For those who want, can or need to answer the survey in another language other than Spanish, at the top right there is an icon with a small symbol of a book and the text “Translate/Translate/Traduire” with which you can access to a pdf that explains how to carry out the survey in practically any language using automatic translation. (The explanatory document is in Spanish, English and French but hopefully we can include it in another language)

Technical note: To avoid duplication and misuse, it is important to remember that responses cannot be collected more than once from the same computer and/or from the same browser.

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