This January 5, the International Base team was at Manantiales Park explaining the details of the 2nd World March.
On the website of the Los Manantiales Study and Reflection Park, it is explained that the Study and Reflection Parks “Are spaces open to Study and Reflection, to deepen ourselves and promote non-discrimination, affection and reciprocity in the treatment of others.”
Exchange of the 2nd World March
An exchange of the 2ª World March in the Manantiales Study and Reflection Park.
He also participated in the action convened worldwide #allconnected:
"Something great and good can happen if for a moment all Human Beings tune in to connect with our hearts".
“¡May love and compassion manifest in each one!".
Lunch was made with the Base Team in Springs.
We appreciate the support with the dissemination of the web and social networks of the 2 World March
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