Peace Arena in Verona

Arena di Pace 2024 (May 17-18) resumes the experience of the Arenas of Peace of the eighties and nineties and arrives ten years after the last one (April 25, 2014). The initiative is born from the realization that the world scenario of a “third world war in pieces”, of which


Complaint about the presence of nuclear weapons in Italy

By Alessandro Capuzzo On October 2, the complaint signed individually by 22 members of pacifist and antimilitarist associations was sent to the Prosecutor's Office of the Court of Rome: Abbasso la guerra (Down with war), Donne e uomini contro la guerra (Women and men against war). war), Associazione Papa Giovanni XXIII (Pope John XXIII Association), Center

3rd World March-something must be done

3rd World March! Something must be done!

Rafael de la Rubia, promoter of the 3rd World March for Peace and Nonviolence and coordinator of the first two editions, explains to us, at the event that World without Wars and Violence has promoted at the Parque Toledo Summer University, that! something has to be done! In these moments when the

Verse the third marcia mondiale

Towards the Third World March

The presence of Rafael de la Rubia, creator of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence and coordinator of the first two editions, made it possible to organize a series of meetings in Italy to launch the third World March, scheduled for October 2, 2024. to January 5, 2025, with departure