Spanish Accessions File

Displaying 1 - 25 of 55

 I adhere Name Last name Association/Institution Photo/Logo
IndividuallyStefanWaltherFriedenswege eV - Chemins de Paix
IndividuallyEduardoFreire SantanaPindorama Center for Humanist Studies (Humanist Movement)Photo/Logo
IndividuallyDiana CarolinaBalaguera QuinteroHumanize the Earth FoundationPhoto/Logo
IndividuallyAndres LeonardoSalazar WhiteHumanize the Earth FoundationPhoto/Logo
at the individual levelDouglasCardosoCoerênci@ na Rede collectivePhoto/Logo
at the individual levelMarisolBravo CareerMSGySV
at the individual levelMariaHealthy
at the individual levelMichaelDamage
at the individual levelclaudia patriciaTapia VallejosEU "JUAN GUERRA VILLANUEVA"
As an Association or InstitutionIboneElordi AristondoEduhred. Humanist Educators in NetworkPhoto/Logo
IndividuallyM TeresaGarcia de la HeraMovements for peace and harmony
On behalf of an Association or InstitutionRomina EulaliaZunigaIkigai Educational FoundationPhoto/Logo
IndividuallyFranciscoLET´S GO
On behalf of an Association or InstitutionFabioMora FernandezINTERNATIONAL YOUTH CHALLENGEPhoto/Logo
On behalf of an Association or InstitutionJulianMejia GalloGerardo Arias RamirezPhoto/Logo
IndividuallyUrsulaLueders-MataMitglied bei Omas gegen Rechts Nord
On behalf of an Association or InstitutionDavidCastroConvergence of Cultures ChilePhoto/Logo
On behalf of an Association or InstitutionevelyntischerRegina Peace Council
On behalf of an Association or InstitutionDorotheeScharping-HammadDortmund Friedensforum
On behalf of an Association or InstitutionCarlosJucayCosmopolitan Writing Club
IndividuallyGeorgeWellSilo's messagePhoto/Logo
IndividuallyErnst LudwigIskeniusICAN Group Lübtheen
IndividuallySilvia AmaliaBenchimolretired university professor
IndividuallyThomasBermejo girlInternational Earth University (UAILAEI-UTE), AMALUR Integral CooperativePhoto/Logo
 I adhere Name Last name Association/Institution Photo/Logo