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Nuclear energy (civil and military) in Alpe Adria

10 December 2019 @ 08: 00-17:00 CET

Nuclear energy (civil and military) in Alpe Adria

Nuclear energy (civil and military) in Alpe Adria
Aviano - Trieste - Capodistria - Krško

December 10 at 17.00 hours at Casa per Pace in via Valdirivo 15 / b, Trieste

On December 10, on the occasion of the 71st anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Fridays For Future Trieste and Comitato Pace e Convivenza Danilo Dolci organize the first of a series of events that will culminate in the Trieste stage of the 2nd World March for Peace and Non-Violence on February 26 and 27, 2020, in collaboration with numerous Trieste associations that have been dealing with Peace and the Environment for years: Circolo Verdeazzurro LEGAMBIENTE Trieste, Tina Modotti cultural association, World without Wars and Violence Trieste, Amnesty International - Gruppo Giovani 053 Trieste, Bioest Association.

El encuentro con el tema “Aviano – Trieste – Koper – Krško, la nuclear civil y militar en Alpe Aria”, tendrá lugar el martes 10 de diciembre a las 17 horas en la Casa de la Paz en Via Valdirivo 15/b.

They will talk:

- Alfonso Navarra, national secretary of the League for Unilateral Disarmament and activist of the Extinction Rebellion;
- Aurelio Juri, Slovenian politician and journalist, former mayor of Koper.

Alessandro Capuzzo of the Committee for Peace, Coexistence and Solidarity, Danilo Dolci and Laura Zorzini, climate activist at Fridays For Future and Extinction Rebellion, will present the meeting.


December 10 2019
08:00-17:00 CET


Italy promoter team


House for Pace, Trieste
via Valdirivo 15 / b
Trieste, Italy
+ Google Map
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