Provincial Council A Coruña

Collaboration in the dissemination of the “2 School Human Chain for Peace and Nonviolence” and Human Rights Passports for participating schoolchildren

A Coruña City Hall

The City Council of A Coruña, through an “Institutional Declaration” approved unanimously by all groups of the municipal corporation, approved: Adhere to the 2 World March for Peace and Nonviolence. Declaring 2 October as “Active Nonviolence Day” in the city The mayor of

Federico Mayor Zaragoza

Federico Mayor Zaragoza, manifested his adhesion to the II World March for Peace and Nonviolence in the Days for Non-Violence carried out in the Congress of Deputies and the Madrid City Council from 15 to 18 November of 2017. He left us his adhesion and motives in this video.

Eduardo galeano

"THE WARS LIE" ... The great Uruguayan writer and recognized Latin American and world author EDUARDO GALEANO gives us some reflections as an adherence to the First World March for Peace and Nonviolence in human history. It was promoted by the Humanist Movement * and joined thousands of organizations and personalities, and some governments.

Michelle Bachelet

The ex-president of Chile, adheres to the World March and presents the following message that we show below.

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