The Hour of History, Villa Vicentina

Villa Vicentina Community Library Via Duca d'Aosta n. 24, Villa Vicentina

The Fiumicelo Villa Vicentina Municipality Library carries out different activities framed in the 2nd World March in two Libraries. Story time for children 3 to 8 years ... with mothers, fathers, grandparents ... and a special appointment with trolleybus No. 75 for children 6 to 11 years JANUARY

Health, "Law or business", A Coruña

Casares Quiroga House Museum Rúa Panaderas, 12, A Coruña

In this open colloquium we will talk about Laws, Rights, Health Models, GDP, the United States, Galicia, Spain, Waiting lists, Privatization of Health, Rajoy, Luis de Guindos, markets , of thieves ... That is why it is necessary for citizen movements and users

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