Activities in Prague, Czech Republic

Prague, Czech Republic Prague

As part of the Second World March for Peace and Non-Violence, the following three events will take place in Prague on Thursday, February 20: Talk-debate: Are nuclear weapons a risk to the security of the Czech Republic? * 13:00 - 16:30 Panel discussion: Are nuclear weapons a risk to the

Institutional Violence

Casares Quiroga House Museum Rúa Panaderas, 12, A Coruña

#foropazenonviolencia #amarchacoruna #WorldMarch DAY 5/7 “FORUM A CORUÑA POLA PAZ EA NONVIOLENCIA” 18:00 LEGISLATION How it affects the civilian population and how to reverse it legislatively: Humanization of administrative and military law. By: Antonio Vázquez López. Lawyer 18:30 MIGRATION How it affects Migrants. By: Maite Bustamante. Lawyer - President of the Association "Amiga" 19:00 

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