The Base Team arrives in Paris

Paris France Paris

The International Base Team arrives in Paris, where there are several activities prepared. Montreuil and Bagnolet (East) day with various social, cultural and educational activities. Outside, in the district, we are planning a demonstration with: parade, symbol, symbolic human chain that unites the 2 centers. Ivry and Vitry (Southeast): Various activities to specify.

Conflict resolution through empathy

UGT Headquarters - A Coruña Avda. De Fernández Latorre, 27, A Coruña

#foropazenonviolencia #amarchacoruna #WorldMarch WORKSHOP “Mediation and conflict resolution through empathy”. In this workshop a method of mediation and conflict resolution based on Empathy was presented. Specifically, the theoretical foundation on which this strategy is based was developed in order to understand it in depth. Being a

Day of Actions for Peace and Nonviolence in Montreuil

Montreuil, outskirts of Paris Montreuil, outskirts of Paris

On Saturday 22 in Montreuil, on the outskirts of Paris: On the occasion of the 2nd World March for Peace and Non-Violence, passing through Paris. Day of Actions for Peace and Nonviolence 2: 00-4: 00 pm: at the Toffoletti Center "Mother tongues for nonviolence". Creative workshops against violence and

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