Edible forest, a habitat of humanity

Feans Civic Neighborhood Center Camiño de Campos, 4, Feáns

Day of Edible Forest, a habitat of humanity in Collective "Hortas de Feáns" in collaboration with Bosque Reimondez do collective "Onda Vital" Day in favor of the "2 World March for Peace and Nonviolence". You can come in the morning, in the afternoon or all day ... "The edible forest is a habitat

Twinning for Peace concert

Cultural Center of El Pozo del Tio Raimundo Av. De las Glorietas, 19, 21, Madrid

Concert of twinning for Peace, Nonviolence and Earth, from the Núñez de Arenas de Vallecas school with the Small Footprints orchestra. Cultural Center El Pozo (Vallecas Bridge).

Closure of the 2nd World March- Madrid (Casa Árabe) - March 7, 2020

Arab House, Madrid Calle de Alcalá, 62, Madrid

At 18.30pm Closing ceremony of the March with projections of images of the route, interventions by protagonists from different continents, closing words and musical touch. Place: Auditorium of the Arab House in Calle de Alcalá, 62, 28009 Madrid http://www.casaarabe.es/

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