Days for Good Living and Nonviolence

Club "Los Yaros" Concord

Days for Good Living and Nonviolence September 28 Club "Los Yaros" and Espacio "Remanjunem Onkaiujmar Charrúa Cjuimen I´Tu" (Sacred Land of the I´Tu Community) - Concordia - Entre Ríos - Argemtina Org: Comunidad I ' Tu, Normal School "DFSarmiento", UADER Intercultural and Native Peoples Program, Primary Education Teachers

Experiential March Day 1 - September 28

UNED Headquarters El Cocal Puntarenas UNED headquarters el Cocal Puntarenas, Puntarenas

Departure at 9:00 am from UNED El Cocal Puntearenas Headquarters. Dealers' route through Chacarita, El Roble, Barranca Park. Finishing at Parque de Esperanza at 3:30 pm

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