Presentation at Cidade Vella

Cidade Vella Civic Center Calle Veeduria 2, A Coruña, A Coruña, Spain

Presentation to Organizations and residents of the city, of the “2 World March Pola Paz ea Nonviolencia” at the Civic Center “Cidade Vella”

Reception by the Pope, Vatican City

Vatican City Vatican City, Vatican City

Meeting with Pope Francis by a delegation of the 2ªMM Base Team composed of members from different countries of Europe and America. Then a meeting with the Vatican Secretary of State where the topics will be: 1) November of 2019, at the end of the boat trip through the Western Mediterranean, will

Projection at Bernardo Frías High School

Bernardo Frías High School, Salta Bernardo Frías Secondary Institute, Salta, Argentina

Projection of "The beginning of the end of nuclear weapons" with students of 3er year of the Bernardo Frías Secondary Institute.

17th Nobel Peace Summit

Merida, Mexico Merida, Mexico

The base team of the World March participates in Mérida, Mexico in the "17th Nobel Peace Summit". 17th Nobel Peace Summit.

International forum of social movements and organizations promoting Peace

UNIARTE building Caracas 1014, Capital District, Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela

This is a Forum, whose name is "International Forum of Social Movements and Peace Promoting Organizations". This event is organized by the Executive Secretariat of the Movement for Peace and Life, belonging to the Presidency of the Republic of Venezuela. The Humanist Movement has been invited to make a presentation on

International Peace Day Celebration

Plazoleta de la Soledad, San José de Costa Rica Plaza de las Artes, Calle 9, Soledad, San José, Costa Rica

Celebration with students of the Spain School and the Superior College of Ladies of the International Day of Peace. Creation of Human Symbols of Peace and Nonviolence. Choir of the Colegio Superior de Señoritas, interpreting the song of the 2MM "Let's Go Around the World". Exchange of War Toys for positive toys. Band

Activities in 9 Square in July, Salta

July 9 Square, Salta 9th of July Square, Salta, Argentina

Activities in Plaza 9 in July celebrating Peace Day, with the participation of educational establishments that previously worked on the subject.  

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