Projection at the Teacher Training Institute, El Bolsón

Teacher training institute, El Bolsón, Río Negro Teacher Training Institute, El Bolsón, Río Negro, Argentina

Projection of "The beginning of the end of nuclear weapons" in the Institute of Continuing Teacher Training. Panel composed of Dr. Raul Prytula, APDH and environmental journalist Roberto Corral of FM ORIGEN

Keys to Nonviolent Action

Arrecife Civic Center, Lanzarote C/ Medular, in front of the Courts, Lanzarote, Spain

The Kelly, do a workshop on the "Keys to Nonviolent Action"

Popular Paella and Musical Space, Lanzarote

Argana Alta Cultural Partner Center Argana Alta Socio Cultural Center, Arrecife, Spain

In the Argana Alta Cultural Partner Center, Popular Paella and Musical Space for Peace - Jam Session / Micro Open

Seafloor cleaning and Living together

Playa del Reducto - Arrecife - Lanzarote Playa del Reducto - Arrecife - Lanzarote, Arrecife, Las Palmas, Spain

Cleaning of the coast and seabed of the Reducto beach (Arrecife) and later “Coexistence meal”.

Pasacalle, Santiago, Chile

Smoked Walk with Currency, Santiago de Chile Paseo de Ahumada with Coin, Santiago de Chile, Chile

Parade for peace and nonviolence, Comparsa La Gandhi. Pasacalle, Santiago, ChilePasacalle, Santiago, ChilePasacalle, Santiago, Chile

Marathon reading texts NoViolencia

A Coruña A Coruna, A Coruna, Spain

Reading marathon Non-violence texts, by Oxfam Intermon and Solidaridade galega. In A Coruña, in a place and time to be defined.  

Hope of Peace, Ostuni

Villa Comunale "Sandro Pertini" Via martiri di kundu, 108, Ostuni, Italy

During the "Hortus Ostuni" we rediscovered the UN Earth Charter with the second World March for Peace and Non-Violence to the Middle East.

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