Human Symbols Students January 2020 A Coruña

Human symbols in schools in A Coruña

For the 30 of January of the 2020, we make the proposal to all the Educational Centers of A Coruña to make “Human Symbols of Students for Peace and Nonviolence” and give joint reading of a Ethical Commitment.

We propose this action with the interest of raising awareness among children and young people in the Culture of Peace and Nonviolence, accompanying it with other activities that generate broad participation and understanding of Peace and Nonviolence.

"Be the change you would like to see in the world." (Gandhi)

The January 30, internationally, is dedicated to commemorating in the educational centers a culture of Peace and Nonviolence and this year we invite you to celebrate it within the framework of the international tour that a team of people are doing along our planet from 02 / 10 / 19 to 08 / 03 / 20.

In A Coruña this action is being coordinated from the "Municipal Education Service", the association "World Without Wars and Without Violence" and the "Network of schools for Human Rights of Amnesty International".

Enrolled School Centers

  1. CEIP Jose Cornide Saavedra
  2. CEIP Maria Pita
  3. Santa Maria Del Mar. Jesuits
  4. CEIP Multilingual Concepción Arenal
  5. CEIP Holy Family
  6. CEIP Juan Fernández Latorre
  7. CEIP Dawn
  8. Colexio Calasanz - PP. Piarists
  9. CEE Nosa Mrs. Do Rosario
  10. CPR Santo Domingo - FESD
  11. HE TO Sardiñeira
  12. CEIP Ponte Dos Brozos - Arteixo
  13. CEIP Ciudad Vella
  14. CEIP Salgado Torres
  15. CPR Company of María
  16. CEIP San Francisco Xavier
  17. CPR Nebrija Tower of Hercules
  18. Montegrande Multilingual CPR
  19. CEIP Victor Lopez Seoane

7.600 students from 17 schools participate

All information and materials accessible for download in this space and at the end of the button to open the Registration form for schools.



Adhered participants

The City Council of A Coruña, by means of an “Institutional Declaration” approved unanimously by all the groups of the municipal corporation, approved:

  • Adhere to the 2 World March for Peace and Nonviolence.
  • Declare the 2 October day as “Active Nonviolence Day” in the city

The mayor of A Coruña, Mr. Xulio Ferreiro, proceeds to his institutional reading.

The Department of "Education, Culture and Historical Memory" invites citizens to participate actively in the 2 World March for Peace and Nonviolence in A Coruña, through its councilor D. Jesús Javier Celemín Santos

Municipal Education Service A Coruña


Collaboration in the organization, logistics and dissemination of the “2 School Human Chain for Peace and Nonviolence”

Upcoming events

Pending more information

Past events

Pending more information

Cheer up and join this initiative!