Tribute to victims of "Football War"

Tribute to the victims of what is known as the Football War between Honduras and El Salvador

In the Border of the Poy an act of the World March was carried out starring students and professors of two universities, one of each country, the U. Andres Bello del Salvador and the UCENM of Honduras.

50 years ago a fratricidal war broke out between El Salvador and Honduras: the famous "soccer war".

Previously there had been a massive migration of Salvadorans, of the order of 300.000, to work in the Honduran banana development, and on the other hand fleeing the brutal repression of the dictatorship of Maximiliano Martínez in El Salvador.

In the 70, taking advantage of the movements in favor of an agrarian reform of Honduras, the landowners promote the expulsion of Salvadorans and the expropriation of their lands.

That campaign raised a growing conflict between Honduras and El Salvador, encouraged by the respective oligarchies.

Taking advantage and manipulating the incidents between the respective hobbies in the qualifying matches of the Mexico World Cup 70, it would end in a war that caused some dead 5.000, injured 14.000 and displaced 300.000.

Tribute to victims and proposed permanent peace treaties

From the World March we pay tribute to these victims and propose the signing of permanent peace treaties between neighboring countries so that they commit to resolve conflicts in a peaceful manner, with negotiations and if these are complicated, that the United Nations be used as mediator.

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