The documentary "The beginning of the end of nuclear weapons", directed by Álvaro Orús (Spain) and produced by Tony Robinson (United Kingdom) for Pressenza has been awarded the prestigious Merit Award of The Accolade Global Film Competition.
The prize was awarded in the documentary short film category for his film that tells the story of how countries without nuclear weapons, international organizations such as ICAN and the Red Cross, civil society and the academic world clashed - in the words of Ray Acheson of the International Women's League for Peace and Freedom - "to some of the most powerful and most militarized countries on the planet and we did something that prohibited us from doing", namely an international treaty to ban nuclear weapons, as well as there are the biological and chemical weapons.
«We are very grateful for this type of recognition and hope they help us reach more people.»
The director, Álvaro Orús, said: “We are very grateful for this type of recognition and we hope you will help us reach more people. In our documentary we have tried to warn about the danger of nuclear weapons and their possibility of abolishing them definitively. It is a vital issue for everyone and we want to take it to public debate »
Tony Robinson, a Pressenza editor who has been working as an activist on this issue for more than a decade, said: “This story is really inspiring because the history of the Nuclear Prohibition Treaty is really the story of how we can all face thugs. if we join forces and work together for the common good and set aside selfish interests.
Find information about the prize and a list of recent winners
You can find information about the prize and a list of recent winners at
The film is available to any activist who wants to organize screenings and has narration and / or subtitles in English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Greek, Russian and Japanese.
For more information, contact and visit the movie website
This article can see it complete in its original source: Pressenza International Press Agence
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