Recognition of the contribution to humanism of the CHIA country psychopedagogical college

Country Psychopedagogical College of CHIA Cundinamarca Colombia Country Psychopedagogical College of CHIA Cundinamarca, CHIA

We invite you to share with us the recognition of the educational work and contribution to the humanism of the CHIA Cundinamarca Country Psychopedagogical College. : 02 7775317497 1 Access code: XN1Zgk

Revitalization of the Totem “Given for Peace”

Igapó Open Air Academy, Londrina Londrina

Within the 21 Municipal Peace Week of Londrina: Day 18: Revitalization of the Totem "Given for Peace" from 10 am to 11 am Filter on Instagram to make your Post of Totem Dado da Paz * https: //www.instagram. com / ar / 372686660992005 Igapó Open Air Academy, Londrina      

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