On going

Revitalization of the Totem “Given for Peace”

Igapó Open Air Academy, Londrina Londrina

Within the 21 Municipal Peace Week of Londrina: Day 18: Revitalization of the Totem "Given for Peace" from 10 am to 11 am Filter on Instagram to make your Post of Totem Dado da Paz * https: //www.instagram. com / ar / 372686660992005 Igapó Open Air Academy, Londrina      

13th Embrace the Lake for Peace - VIRTUAL

Lake Igapó - Londrina Londrina

Within the 21 Week for Peace in Londrina 13th Embrace the Lake for Peace - Virtual September 19 SUNDAY 13 Embrace the Lake for Peace VIRTUAL Place your link AVATAR https://bit.ly/3ffLpfe See more details at http : //londrinapazeando.org.br/abraco-no-lago-2021-virtual/ Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/ar/372686660992005/) Londrina for the peace of londrinapazeando  

March in Bogotá for Nonviolence

Bogota Planetarium Bogotá Planetarium, Bogotá

We invite you on September 19! To the event of the first Latin American March for Nonviolence Place: Planetarium from Bogotá to La Plaza de Bolívar. Time: 10:00 a.m. Sep 19 2021 Live broadcast: Facebook, ZOOM. Join the Zoom meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89888332077?pwd=WUhMNzdwdXVFblVTYml4NU1vbTNDZz09 Access code: 557280

The March in Chapadmalal Park

Chapadmalal Park - Argentina Quarries Road, Batán

The Latin American March passes through Chapadmalal Park 19/09/2021 - 17:00 p.m. Punta de Vacas - Argentina. Guests: Irma Susanich (FEMINIST) Osvaldo Bocero (COLLECTIVE FOR NON-VIOLENCE MDP) Elena Moncada (FEMINIST, ABOLITIONIST) Latin American March for Nonviolence in Chapadmalal Park Join the meeting Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/ 86975594886 Meeting ID: 869 7559 4886 Code

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