Experiential March Day 3 - September 30

Together with Burger King Heredia UNA Together with Burger King Heredia UNA, Heredia

Departure at 7:00 am 100 meters east to the Burger King Heredia UNA, San Pablo, Santo Domingo, Tibas, Los Carabineros Terminal, calle 0, Av central San José Centro, Bulebar, Museo Nal (old barracks), Rotonda Fuente de la Hispanidad, Los Yoses, Parque Kennedy, Montes de Oca, Curridabat, La Galera, Calle Vieja de los Tres Ríos,

Renunciation of War International Forum

Latin America

International Forum Renunciation of War, Demilitarization and Disarmament. Thursday, September 30 at 13:3 p.m. Chile - GMT-10 (11 a.m. from Costa Rica, 13 a.m. from Colombia and XNUMX p.m. from Argentina). Juan Gómez tells us: I want to tell you that I am the moderator of two conversations that have to do with the central objectives of

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