Immigration and Shelter

UGT Headquarters - A Coruña Avda. de Fernández Latorre, 27, A Coruña, Spain

#foropazenonviolencia #amarchacoruna #WorldMarch DAY 2/7 “FORUM A CORUÑA POLA PEACE EA NONVIOLENCE” 19:30 IMMIGRATION AND REFUGE Xenophobia is violence against people of foreign origin. Immigration and refuge are two causes of vulnerability. Xenophobia is institutionalized and is shown in the legal treatment given to people who come

Mental Health in a Black Mirror World

Casares Quiroga House Museum Rua Panaderas, 12, A Coruña, A Coruña, Spain

#foropazenonviolencia #amarchacoruna #WorldMarch DAY 3/7 “FORUM A CORUÑA POLA PEACE EA NONVIOLENCE” 19:00 MENTAL HEALTH IN A BLACK MIRROR WORLD Mental health is being increasingly questioned. From the madhouse past to the present of the stigma of psychiatric labels there is an incomplete path. Through the growing cracks in the system

Forgotten Women in Science

MUNCYT - National Museum of Science and Technology of Coruña Praza do Museo Nacional de Ciencia, 1, A Coruña, A Coruña, Spain

#foropazenonviolencia #GaliciaAberta #amarchacoruna #WorldMarch DAY 4/7 "FORUM A CORUÑA POLA PEACE EA NONVIOLENCE" 19:30 TALK DEBATE: "FORGOTTEN WOMEN IN SCIENCE" SPEAKERS "FORGOTTEN MATH WOMEN." Amelia Verdejo PhD in Mathematics. Former professor at the University of Vigo. Retired "WOMEN FORGOTTEN BY SCIENCE" Ana M. Correas Doctor in Biology. Institutional Relations Coordinator of the

Activities in Prague, Czech Republic

Prague, Czech Republic Prague, Czech Republic

As part of the Second World March for Peace and Non-Violence, the following three events will take place in Prague on Thursday, February 20: Talk-debate: Are nuclear weapons a risk to the security of the Czech Republic? * 13:00 - 16:30 Panel discussion: Are nuclear weapons a risk to the

Institutional Violence

Casares Quiroga House Museum Rua Panaderas, 12, A Coruña, A Coruña, Spain

#foropazenonviolencia #amarchacoruna #WorldMarch DAY 5/7 “FORUM A CORUÑA POLA PAZ EA NONVIOLENCIA” 18:00 LEGISLATION How it affects the civilian population and how to reverse it legislatively: Humanization of administrative and military law. By: Antonio Vázquez López. Lawyer 18:30 MIGRATION How it affects Migrants. By: Maite Bustamante. Lawyer - President of the Association "Amiga" 19:00 

Gender Violence

Casares Quiroga House Museum Rua Panaderas, 12, A Coruña, A Coruña, Spain

#foropazenonviolencia #amarchacoruna #WorldMarch DAY 6/7 "FORUM A CORUÑA POLA PEACE EA NONVIOLENCE" GENDER VIOLENCE 19:00 REPORT Projection of the report .: "VIVAS", with real testimonies Realization. Claudia Bartolomeu, Olalla Ferga 19:30 ROUND TABLE: Visibility and sisterhood in the face of hidden violence. Speakers: Ana Saavedra, Founder Mirabal women's association. The before and after

The Base Team arrives in Paris

Paris France Paris France

The International Base Team arrives in Paris, where there are several activities prepared. Montreuil and Bagnolet (East) day with various social, cultural and educational activities. Outside, in the district, we are planning a demonstration with: parade, symbol, symbolic human chain that unites the 2 centers. Ivry and Vitry (Southeast): Various activities to specify.

Conflict resolution through empathy

UGT Headquarters - A Coruña Avda. de Fernández Latorre, 27, A Coruña, Spain

#foropazenonviolencia #amarchacoruna #WorldMarch WORKSHOP “Mediation and conflict resolution through empathy”. In this workshop a method of mediation and conflict resolution based on Empathy was presented. Specifically, the theoretical foundation on which this strategy is based was developed in order to understand it in depth. Being a

Day of Actions for Peace and Nonviolence in Montreuil

Montreuil, outskirts of Paris Montreuil, suburbs of Paris, France

On Saturday 22 in Montreuil, on the outskirts of Paris: On the occasion of the 2nd World March for Peace and Non-Violence, passing through Paris. Day of Actions for Peace and Nonviolence 2: 00-4: 00 pm: at the Toffoletti Center "Mother tongues for nonviolence". Creative workshops against violence and

The Base Team: other activities in Paris

Paris France Paris France

Paris intramuros PARVIS DES DROITS DE L'HOMME (Trocadéro). Live symbol of Non-Violence. Screening of the film "The beginning of the end of nuclear weapons" followed by a debate and a social gathering.

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