Hiroshima Ginkgo Biloba Plantation

Within the campaign of promotion of the 2 World March, a Ginkgo was descended from Hiroshima surviving trees.

On September 28, 2019, a Hiroshima Ginkgo Biloba was planted (granted free of charge by the “Tropical Utopia” Association of Comerio).

Being the exact place of the plantation in the Venegono Superiore, Via delle missioni street, 12 - Park of the Castle of the Comboni Missionaries.

The pertinent explanations were made about this action; its meaning, its objectives, the promoters and the context of the 2nd World March.

The route of the 2 World March was affected, both internationally and in Italy and in the province of Varese.

The presentation of the event was made by Tiziana Volta and Elio Pagani

The presentation of the event was made by Tiziana Volta, Italian coordinator of the 2ªMM, member of the international coordinator of “World without Wars and without Violence”, and coordinator of “Mediterraneo sea of ​​peace” (the march in the Western Mediterranean), participant in the main path of the 2nd World March and as the territorial spokesperson of Varesotto, Elio Pagani.

About fifty people attended the ceremony, some of whom attended the conference “For the National Day of Commemoration of Victims of Immigration.”


As institutional references, the ceremony took place in the presence of the mayor of Comerio (Va) Silvio Aimetti and the former mayors of Tradate (Va) and Lampedusa (AG), Laura Cavallotti and Giusi Nicolini.

This activity was promoted by the Varesotto Territorial Committee for the promotion of the 2ª Marcia Mondiale, Pax Christi Punto Pace di Tradate and the 3 ottobre varesino Committee.

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