An eye for an eye and you go blind!
The World March calls for an immediate stop to the military escalation in the Middle East ...
The Italian Promoter Committee of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence expresses its concern and outrage at the military escalation that is inflaming the Middle East and calls on the parties to immediately stop all military action.
It is not with weapons that the many problems of the region and the world are solved; We strongly urge international organizations to act firmly so that all parties comply with international standards that prohibit attacks on third territories, indiscriminate killings and reprisals.
We also ask the Italian Government to take decisive and independent measures to end hostilities and ensure in all its forms that Italy does not participate directly or indirectly in military operations.
Italian Communiqué
Occhio per occhio si diventa ciechi !!
La Marcia Mondiale chiede che si fermi subito l'escalation militare in the Middle East.
The Italian Promoter Committee of the Marcia Mondiale per la Pace e la Nonviolenza is a major concern for the military escalation of the Middle East and invites him to immediately intervene in the military.
Non è con armi che si risolvono i numerousi problemami della regione e del mondo; chiediamo with forza agli organismi internationalis di agire with fermezza per far rientrare tutte le parti nell'ambito delle regole internazionali che vietano gli attacchi in territoriali terzi, le uccisioni indiscriminate e le rappresaglie.
Chiediamo also includes the Italian government of intraprendere un'azione decisa and indipendent per far cessare le ostilità ed assicurare in tutte form l'Italia non sia coinvolta nelle operazioni militari in direct or indirect mode.
French Communiqué
Oeil pour oeil, your deviens aveugle!
The Marche Mondiale demands a rent immédiat de l'escalade militaire au Moyen-Orient ...
The Italian Committee for the promotion of the World March for peace and non-violence expresses its preoccupation and is indignation face to the military scale that enlightens the Moyen-Orient and appelle the parties to the cesser immédiatement toute action militaire.
Ce n'est pas avec des armes that name the problems of the region and the world are solus; Nous demandons instamment aux organizations internationaux d'agir avec fermeté pour amener toutes les parties respecting the international rules interdisant les attacks sur des territoires tiers, les assassins et les représailles.
Nous demands également au gouvernement italien de prendre des measures décisives et indépendantes for the purpose of hostilities and to guarantee that all forms of law that the Italy is directly or indirectly involved in the military operations.
English release
An eye for an eye you go blind !!!
The World March calls for an immediate stop to the military escalation in the Middle East ...
The Italian Promoting Committee of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence Expresses concern and outrage at the military escalation That is inflaming the Middle East and calls on the parties to Immediately stop all military action.
It is not with weapons that the many problems of the region and the world are solved; We strongly call on international bodies to act Firmly to bring all parties Within the international rules prohibiting attacks on third territories, indiscriminate killings and Reprisals.
We Also call on the Italian Government to take decisive and independent action to put an end to hostilities and to Ensure in all forms That Italy is not Directly or Indirectly Involved in military operations.