The day of the International Peace in Colombia

Presentation of the Latin American March and the Book interpretations of Humanism

In the Congress of the Republic of Colombia, the presentation of the First Latin American March for Nonviolence and the presentation of the Book Historical Interpretations of Humanismby Salvatore Puledda.

In the prologue, written by Mikhail Gorbachev on 30/10/94, he talks about the content of the book and its author, as follows:

"You have in your hands a book that cannot help but make you think. Not only because it is dedicated to an eternal theme, which is humanism, but because having put this theme in historical frameworks, it allows us to feel, understand, that it is a true challenge of our time.

The author of the book, Dr. Salvatore Puledda, rightly emphasizes that humanism in its three aspects: as a general concept, as a set of specific ideas and as an inspiring action, has a very long and complicated history. As he writes, its history has been similar to the movement of the waves: sometimes humanism came to the fore, on the historical stage of humanity, sometimes "disappeared" at some point.

At times, he was relegated to the background by the forces that Mario Rodríguez Cobos (Silo) rightly describes as “anti-humanists”. In those periods, it was brutally misrepresented. The same anti-humanist forces often donned the humanist mask to act under their cover and, in the name of humanism, carried out their dark intentions."

Likewise, they described the keys to the 1st Latin American March, specifying as described in the article A March for Nonviolence travels through Latin America:

“We aspire that by touring the region and strengthening Latin American unity we will reconstruct our common history, in the search for convergence in diversity and Nonviolence.

 The vast majority of human beings do not want violence, but eliminating it seems impossible. For this reason we understand that in addition to carrying out social actions, we have to work to review the beliefs that surround this supposedly unalterable reality. We have to strengthen our inner faith that we can change, as individuals and as a society..

It is time to connect, mobilize and march for Nonviolence”.

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