3rd World March-something must be done

3rd World March! Something must be done!

Rafael de la Rubia, promoter of the 3rd World March for Peace and Nonviolence and coordinator of the first two editions, explains to us, at the event that World without Wars and Violence has promoted at the Parque Toledo Summer University, that! something has to be done! In these moments when the

Verse the third marcia mondiale

Towards the Third World March

The presence of Rafael de la Rubia, creator of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence and coordinator of the first two editions, made it possible to organize a series of meetings in Italy to launch the third World March, scheduled for October 2, 2024. to January 5, 2025, with departure

It will start and end in Costa Rica

It will start and end in Costa Rica

03/10/2022 – San José de Costa Rica – Rafael de la Rubia As we had stated in Madrid, at the end of the 2nd MM, that today 2/10/2022 we would announce the place for the start/end of the 3rd MM. Several countries such as Nepal, Canada and Costa Rica had informally expressed their interest. Finally it will be Costa Rica as it confirmed its application. I reproduce

A start-finish city for the 3rd March

A start-finish city for the 3rd March

Context: From Vienna. We have just come from the first meeting of the states parties to the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. We have heard many times today, from the representatives of the 65 countries in attendance and from many other observers, that this was a historic meeting. In this context and from this city we give

The 3rd World March is announced

The 3rd World March is announced

The 3rd World March for 2024 is announced at the Forum for Nonviolence in Mar del Plata - Argentina In the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the Week for Nonviolence in Mar del Plata promoted by Osvaldo Bocero and Karina Freira where activists from more than 20 countries in America, Europe

Africa prepares for the World March

Africa prepares for the World March

The African continent is preparing for the next World March for Peace and Nonviolence. Several countries are already preparing to host the grassroots team that will highlight their initiatives In West Africa Morocco During our tours in March and May, several meetings were held: In the eastern part in

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